Internship Opportunity

In your application letter, please mention your available dates, age, gender, nationality/citizenship, and language skills (with level). We regret that we cannot arrange visas for applicants to our Tokyo office. Please obtain the appropriate permits by yourself.


  •  University graduate or above (MA degree students, MA degree holders, or applicants with professional experiences are preferred). *CG-related vocational courses will also be considered.

  • Strong design aptitude

  • Excellent skills in modeling, AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max, Rhinoceros, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, and CG; please describe your skill level (standard, advanced, expert) – should be above standard

  • Fluency in written and spoken English

  • Fluency in written and spoken French (at the Paris office)

  • Laptop PC, architectural software installed, Windows preferable

  • Physical strength and mental strength with high motivation

Further qualifications

  • Knowledge of additional languages – especially Chinese (Mandarin), Korean, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Japanese – Highly recommended (at the Tokyo office)

  • Proactive, self-disciplined, and confident in a complex environment

  • Hard worker and team player-minded

  • Accurate, punctual, hands-on, and organized


Internship applicants should send their “resume (with e-mail address)” and “portfolio” to us by e-mail (online application form). Digital portfolios should be in PDF format and less than 20MB. Please note that we cannot view web-based portfolios, CD-Rs, or DVDs. We are replying only to those who passed the documentary screening. The contact person must be the applicant themselves. Since we cannot answer your recruitment inquiries, please do not call, mail, or visit the offices directly.

Full-Time Designer

Mililab is recruiting skilled designers.
Please mention your age, gender, nationality/citizenship, languages (with level), and software skills in your CV. Applicants must have a hardcopy/PDF portfolio to be considered (We do not check online portfolio links, CD-R and DVD).


  • Strong design aptitude

  • Fluency in written and spoken English

  • Japanese & Chinese (Mandarin) desirable

  • Excellent skills in AutoCAD, Adobe CS, and Microsoft Office

  • Excellent communication and organization skills in a complex environment

  • Physical strength and mental strength with high motivation

Further qualifications

  • Professional experience as an active full-time office architect (not including internships and year-out experiences) in the international market for a few years or more

  • Good knowledge of 3D Studio Max and Rhinoceros


  1. Please send your application letter, CV, and portfolio as PDF (less than 20MB) to

  2. Please specify the following items.

a) Reason for application

b) include in a portfolio – Works of school (two or more)

c) How to get involved in practical works (in detail)


The applicants should send their “resume (with e-mail address)” and “portfolio” to us by e-mail via an online application form. Digital portfolios should be in PDF format and less than 20MB. Please note that we cannot view web-based portfolios, CD-Rs, or DVDs.


応募書類には、応募可能な日付、年齢、性別、国籍/市民権、語学力 (レベル) を記載してください。申し訳ありませんが、東京オフィスへのビザの手配はできません。ご自身で適切な許可を取得してください。


  • 建築系

  • 大学留学(修士課程学生、修士号取得者、実務経験者優遇)、専門学校関連のCG

  • 強いデザインの才能

  • モデリング、AutoCAD、3D Studio Max、Rhinoceros、Photoshop、Illustrator、Indesign、CG における優れたスキル。 レベル(上級、平均)を説明してください – 標準以上である必要があります

  • 流暢な英語の書き言葉と話し言葉

  •  流暢なフランス語の書き言葉および話し言葉(パリオフィスにて)

  • ラップトップ PC、アーキテクチャ ソフトウェアがインストールされている、Windows が望ましい

  •  高いモチベーションを持った体力と精神力


  • 国際分野で数年以上、フルタイムのオフィスアーキテクトとして活躍した経験(インターンシップや一年間の経験は含まない)

  • 3D Studio MaxとRhinoceros に関する十分な知識


  • 応募書類、履歴書、ポートフォリオを PDF (20MB 未満) として までお送りください

a) 応募理由
b) ポートフォリオに含める – 学校の作品 (2 つ以上)
c) 実務への取り組み方(詳細)

応募者は、Web応募フォームより「履歴書(メールアドレス記載)」と「ポートフォリオ」をメールにてお送りください。 デジタル ポートフォリオは PDF 形式で、20MB 未満である必要があります。 Web上のポートフォリオやCD-R、DVDはご覧いただけませんのでご了承ください。